
Does A Camera Have To Be In Manual Mode To Do Light Painting

Now playing: Watch this: Use a tablet equally a photography lite


A tablet is a great style to view your photos, only information technology can also be incredibly useful when making them. Here are five ways to plough a tablet into a DIY photography light. Many of these tips will as well piece of work with a laptop or a big smartphone screen too.


Sick of the same erstwhile macro photos? Turn your tablet into a DIY illuminated groundwork to add some interest to the scene. This technique works all-time with smaller objects like toys or flowers placed in front of the screen.

Find an paradigm to use as a backdrop, and then plow up the screen effulgence. Make sure to utilize an image that you have the rights to photo, such every bit a photograph with the correct Creative Commons license.

To help throw the background out of focus and concentrate on your subject field, cull a wide aperture (pocket-size f-stop) to create a shallow depth of field.

Lexy Savvides/CNET

Equally an culling, lie the tablet down with the screen facing up. Then, identify a pocket-sized object on top of the screen with your desired background. This technique works best when the ambience low-cal is low so y'all become a glowing effect from the screen up into the subject.

Light painting

Light paintings are often fabricated with torches and sparklers, but any light source can make the magic happen -- including your tablet screen. These images are made when the ambience light is very low, so notice a night room or caput exterior at dark to experiment.

I example of using a tablet screen (or even a smartphone) for lite painting is to trace shapes in front of your camera lens while the shutter is open for several seconds. You tin can even experiment with spelling out words, but remember to write in mirror image from correct to left.

Lexy Savvides/CNET

Exposure tips

  • Long exposures require the shutter to stay open for a long menstruum of fourth dimension. Use a tripod or place the camera on a steady surface, and employ a remote release (or self-timer) to reduce whatsoever potential camera milkshake.
  • Keep the ISO low to reduce noise
  • Use manual mode to have full command over shutter and discontinuity values. Utilize the light meter to get an indication of what combination will give you a correct exposure.
  • If possible, plow on exposure simulation on the dSLR then you get a better idea of what the final exposure will look similar on screen (if yous're using live view). Also, exposure simulation makes focusing a lot easier if it's dark.
  • Make shapes announced in photos past displaying an image such every bit a white star confronting a black groundwork, and so open and close the tablet cover in different positions effectually the frame during the exposure.

There are plenty of apps that can produce different furnishings on your tablet screen, such as Holographium for iOS which creates slices of words and pictures that announced as 3D objects when caught on camera.

With a tablet displaying a stripe pattern and an eight second exposure, Luigi looks like he's racing. Lexy Savvides/CNET

Softbox Pro for iPad comes with a range of preset shapes, patterns and colours to display on the screen, likewise as a screen brightness toggle inside the app.

For Android, Softlight lets y'all play effectually with colours and brightness for illuminating the scene. Dr. Light Painting volition spell out words and draw pictures when dragged beyond a scene.


Your tablet is not designed to replace a studio light, only information technology does provide a big, bright light source to illuminate a subject.

Lexy Savvides/CNET

Display a solid white paradigm on the screen and turn the brightness upwards to its maximum value. Depending on the effect you lot are after, position the subject and then move the tablet to act as a fill up light. You might find it easier to take an assistant help you with positioning the tablet, or else turn on self-timer mode on the photographic camera and hold the tablet in position.

With a tablet equally a DIY softbox it's possible to fill up shadows on a discipline's face, or create a moody effect by highlighting their features. Experiment with the distance from the subject'due south confront and screen brightness settings.

For a actually dramatic wait, plough off all the lights and use the tablet as your primary light source. Past holding the tablet to the side of your subject'southward face, you tin create a striking portrait where one-half of the face up is illuminated and the other half falls off to darkness.

For this technique information technology's easiest to mountain your camera or dSLR on a tripod to use a slightly longer shutter speed, or else turn up the ISO so you tin hold the camera without introducing camera shake.

LED flash

Lexy Savvides/CNET

Tablets with an LED flash built-in to the camera module have another fun low-cal source to play with. If y'all can control the LED wink independently through a flashlight app, plough information technology on to create an instant torch.

The light can then be used to illuminate anything from a modest object to the side of a subject's face up.

The concentrated beam of calorie-free is as well useful for creating an outline around a subject when low-cal painting.

For videographers, try using the LED as a abiding lite when shooting in the dark.


Got a box of old negatives or slides lying effectually? Dig them out and use your tablet as a DIY lightbox.

Depending on the size of the tablet screen, line up the negatives or slides side by side to review them easily, then adjust the screen brightness to become the desired result. If you find you tin can run into individual pixels from the screen coming through, try diffusing the low-cal by placing a sheet of tissue or baking paper betwixt the screen and the negatives.

For Android, effort the uncomplicated but effective app Lightbox Gratuitous. For iOS, Lite Pad Hard disk offers the ability to toggle certain sections of the screen on and off to highlight private slides.

If you own a flatbed scanner, the tablet tin can also act as a backlight so you lot can scan negatives. Simply place the negatives on the scanner glass, lay the tablet with a white screen on meridian, then start the scan. Invert the prototype in post-processing to see the finished result.


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