
How To Store Film Cameras

Unlike the digital camera market, which is saturated with brand new products and the support network needed to fix them, film cameras can be rare and precious and expensive to fix. That'due south why it's important for all motion picture photographers, from the most coincidental point-and-shoot lover to the defended hoarder of rare Leicas, to know how to wait subsequently and maintain their gear.

Hither are a few basic tips to assist you understand how to store, clean, and ready (if demand be) your beautiful, former camera.

Cleanliness is next to godliness

Nearly of my gear has been obtained from secondhand shops, boot fairs and eBay. While these places are oft the cheapest places to buy film camera bodies and lenses, it'south rare to find gear that has been stored and maintained correctly. The older the camera the greater the chance that it's been mishandled or improperly stored at some point in its life. Information technology'southward best practise, therefore, to requite the camera or lens a thorough inspection and cleaning immediately when it arrives.

Having the proper gear to practice the chore is essential. Cameras have lots of nooks and grannies, and unmentionable gunk ofttimes accumulates in these tiny places. Effectually the dials on the top of the torso, surrounding the viewfinder, and on the leatherette – think of all those easily that have gripped, sweated, and smeared on your new toy. Eurgh! Luckily, decades of dirt tin can be easily cleaned away with cipher more than soapy h2o, lens cleaner, a pack of cotton buds (Q-tips), and two or three microfibre cloths (both damp and dry).

Start by dipping one microfibre cloth in a little bit of soapy h2o (simple soap is fine), and use it to wipe off any visible crud you lot can see on the photographic camera body. If your camera has a born lens, leave information technology until last (think of it every bit doing the windows of your car terminal – you don't want to accept to clean the same area twice). If you're cleaning an SLR, remove the lens and be careful not to get whatsoever water inside the body of the camera. It's best to advisedly clean the reflex mirror with a dry out microfibre cloth. DOn't bear on the focusing screen up elevation with anything, simply employ an air blower to accident the dust away. Lastly, clean the external lens mount and and so fit a body cap to go along things protected while nosotros clean the rest of the body – we don't want any liquids getting within that mirror box.

For the commencement cleaning of the external body, you don't want the cloth to be soaking wet, just clammy. Patience, skillful lighting, and cleaning a small portion at a time are all keys to success. After the initial once-over, go in with the cotton buds, dipped in a bit of soapy water (y'all tin can also use isopropyl alcohol or lighter fluid, everyone has a preference) to get into all the tiny nooks and crannies. A toothbrush is besides helpful for reaching the hardest and finest areas (remember the knurling of an ISO punch, where plenty of clay tin hide).

The inside of a camera can too endure if not stored and cleaned properly – the main offender existence the foam light seals that line the camera back door. These degrade over fourth dimension, and can plow into a crumbly, sticky mess that can be a real pain to make clean and supersede. It's worth looking at the calorie-free seals within any camera yous're ownership, if possible, to salvage yourself extra work further downwards the line.

If need exist, quondam light seals can be removed with a scraper tool (something plastic is best, or a wooden cuticle stick with a wedge stop), then the glue residuum can exist removed with alcohol on a cotton bud. SLR mirrors sometimes have a mirror bumper (a pad of foam lining the upper edge of the mirror box) to dampen mirror slap, and it's worth checking to run into if this is intact likewise.

New light seal kits can be bought online inexpensively – Nik & Pull a fast one on sell replacement foam kits for a lot of the more common models and sellers on eBay supply these likewise. They're unremarkably of the pre-cut, pare and stick variety, just the ease of replacement of low-cal seals is dependent on your model of camera – some are easier than others!

[ Editor's Note – the photo below is horrific and this method of cleaning should not be tried at home, or anywhere.]

Don't practice this.

One time the body looks a bit cleaner, start on the outside components of the lens. Clean the aperture and focus rings with a cotton bud dipped in soapy h2o and squeezed out – you don't desire any fluid to get inside the lens at all. Be careful effectually painted mark – soapy water shouldn't harm anything, but rubbing alcohol tin actually dull or completely strip pigment from sure models.

Now nosotros're ready to clean the glass. Employ a clean cotton bud dipped in lens cleaner fluid to gently make clean the lens glass. Beginning in the eye and swirl outward. Attempt to keep from getting whatever cleaner on the outermost edge of the glass, as it tin sometimes spread to the outside edge of cemented elements and seep where it'south non supposed to go. This is an practise in patience – go slowly, and be certain to become both the front and rear elements of the lens, every bit dust tin accumulate everywhere.

If all this scrubbing sounds a scrap much for you, or you lot only don't accept fourth dimension, it's worth finding a local camera repair shop that offers CLA service (make clean, lube and adjust). In the UK, my become-to is Miles Whitehead, and I'd recommend him to anyone having camera troubles!

Storage wars

Once your collection has expanded past a single trunk and one or two lenses, it'due south worth looking into the best mode to store your gear. Cameras and lenses need to be stored in a dry out, cool environment (sorry, Floridians) to avert damage to the seals, and to stop fungus growing inside lenses. Ever picked upwardly an old photographic camera and smelled a musty odor? That'south mould, my chum, and y'all desire to avoid it as much as y'all can.

Ideally, cameras should be stored in a climate-controlled room with depression humidity, away from direct sunlight, and within an enclosure that protects them from grit. For displayed collections, the best solution is a glass case. For user cameras, the nigh common (and easiest) solution is to shop your gear in a relatively small, sealed container and to throw a few moisture arresting silica packets inside. This should absorb much of the extra moisture in the independent space. Replace the packets as needed and the camera will last forever.

Most shooters probably already have the platonic storage solution already – your photographic camera bag! A nice, padded purse or backpack is perfectly suited to agree multiple bodies and lenses, and so why not use information technology? As long as your bag isn't damp or dusty or dirty, put your gear in a handbag and so into a closet in your living infinite. Just like you, cameras and lenses don't want to alive their lives in a basement or attic where temperatures and moisture levels are uncomfortable. If your everyday camera pocketbook accumulates rainwater and dust, purchase a bag specifically for storage and never take it our of the house.

Remember to store lenses with both lens caps on and sitting upright when non on the camera. This way the lens will exist condom from dust and the lubricant in the focusing mechanisms will stay where it's supposed to, rather than migrate onto the aperture blades. When lenses are stored attached to a camera, make sure the caps are on as well – sunlight passing through the lens can act like a magnifying glass and burn a hole into shutter curtains.

As for photographic camera bodies, if you have body caps, utilize them! They'll terminate dust getting into the torso itself. Remember to remove batteries from any photographic camera bodies you lot'll be storing for more than a few weeks to avoid battery leakage, corrosion of electrical contacts, or unwanted battery depletion.

For about cameras it's best to shop them with shutters uncocked. This reduces stress on tension springs, curtains, and gears inside the camera body which can lead to shutter speeds becoming inaccurate. Of course there are certain exceptions – check your private camera manual for advice on whether or not to shop cameras with shutters cocked or relaxed.

You should likewise consider proper storage of your movie stocks. After all, there'southward no betoken buying expensive rolls of Velvia and letting them go ruined in a hot automobile glove box. All movie rolls will have an death engagement – this is the engagement earlier which a manufacturer recommends using the motion-picture show to attain optimal (and predictable) results. Know these dates and stack your picture with the freshest rolls on the bottom.

Personally, I store everything that's not dollar-shop film (distressing, Agfa Vista 200) in the salad crisper drawer of my fridge. Refrigerated film lasts much longer than film stored at room temperature – simply make sure yous acclimatise it properly before loading it into your camera. Thirty minutes at room temperature should be fine.

If yous have a huge stock of film you want to use for years to come up, you may too want to freeze your picture show in a frost-free freezer – just exist certain to thaw them earlier use. Bear in mind that many 120 ringlet films are stored in foil packages, which don't go on humidity out. Y'all may want to continue 120 rolls in a plastic container, to keep the moisture out (another use for those handy niggling silica packets).


Inevitably a camera will break, or nosotros volition detect a bargain on a gorgeous just malfunctioning photographic camera that'due south simply too expert to reject. In some cases it's fifty-fifty advisable to buy a slightly damaged or broken photographic camera in order to get a great deal (as long as it tin can be fixed).

The simplest repairs are cosmetic repairs or replacement of simple parts – leatherette replacement, swapping a broken nameplate for one that's intact, battery comprehend replacements, things similar that. These elementary repairs are like shooting fish in a barrel, and tin fifty-fifty be therapeutic relaxation for those of u.s.a. with busy lives. We spent a few months live-streaming simple repairs, which yous can notice on YouTube. The basic principals can bear you through easy jobs like cleaning oily aperture blades, replacing capacitors, etc.

Y'all'll besides demand decent tools. Buy a good set of precision screwdrivers, a precision knife kit, a silicon repair mat with parts holders, a fine set of tweezers, and (believe it or not) dental tools. In addition, get some prophylactic stoppers to remove round objects (such equally lens bezels) and a lens spanner tool.

With good tools, patience, and ample pauses to refocus and center the heed when things become awry, information technology's like shooting fish in a barrel for even the nearly ham-handed among us to repair and improve these old cameras. When repairs are likewise complicated it's best to simply laissez passer the job off to a professional. There are still enough of excellent repair shops operating today, and many that specifically focus on individual brands or models.

Some tools of the trade (skillful for a beginner).

With a piffling fourth dimension and love, these pocket-size steps can ensure your dearest gear volition last for many years to come up. Practise you accept any additional tips for maintaining photographic camera gear? Permit u.s. know in the comments!

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