Capital One

Presented in this ad you will see how the Creative Pyramid was applied. Each level has a specific purpose for what goes on in the planning. Starting from the bottom up on the Creative  Pyramid, the ad first needs "Attention". When an ad is created you want to present your ad in order to gain attention. Headlines and/or Visuals are used to help create that attention, or what I like to think as "The First Impression" or the "Wow, what's this about?" question, something that will grab the potential customers attention.

The next level is the "Interest". The interest should be able to lead that attentive potential customer to want to know more about what the ad is presenting. This part is important because if the customer is not interested in what he or she is seeing and/or reading, then effectiveness of the attention of the ad will fail. An example that comes to mind is fishing. The worm gives the fishes attention so the fish will start nibbling at it before actually swallowing it. This causes the fish to get caught in a sweet promising product.

The third level of the pyramid is "Credibility". Credibility helps people to have a confirmation on what they are potentially going to buy because of how the ad has gained their interest. People need another opinion or reason to commit to buying something. Sometimes that reason could be facts, but other times it could be their favorite or a well known actor.

After gaining that credibility, now is the time for the next step. The fourth step is "Desire". The desire goal is to help encourage the potential customer to imagine themselves enjoying that product or service advertised. The hope of the desire from an ad like this is that the potential buyer can imagine enjoying the promises given from the ad message.

The last level of the pyramid is "Action". This is the whole reason why you needed the first four steps in order to achieve this goal. This goal is to get the potential customer to go out to where they can purchase that product and get it to satisfy their desire. There is an implicit way of motivating and an explicit approach. Either approach is enough to nudge that tiny bit in gaining a paying customer.

Now lets see what this ad can offer by using the Creative Pyramid.

Level 1 – The "Attention" is found in this headline, "Get Double Miles". Those who love traveling would find this a "Oh wow! Really?" feeling. Another "Attention" is in the visual of the family buried in sand. It attracts the eye and causes you to want to have fun on the beach.

Level 2 – The "Interest"  that creates the potential customer is in red and reads "You can actually use." That interest causes the potential feeling of "What? Get double the miles that I will be able to use? What else is there?"

Level 3 – The "Credibility" is what is found in the image of the ad. The credibility of a famous actor, Alec Baldwin, places that credibility in the readers (that is if you like his work from Beetlejuice, The Hunt for Red October, or 30 Rock). The other credibility is the humor that is used for this ad. The humor is found in using a family on the beach made into different sea creatures because of the little girl. This leads into the desire level.

Level 4 – The "Desire" is to have family moments and have fun while being able to be on the beach. The text says it just as well too, "Say Yes to Sand Everywhere." How is a potential buyer going to say yes to sand everywhere? They will say yes by using their double miles reward in order to go to the beach with their family.

Level 5 – The last important one is the "Action". How this ad helps with action is by the extra information provided in the bullet points. It reads "Get double miles on every purchase, every day" and "Use on any airline, any hotel, anytime". The message helps customers know that to gain these miles and in order to enjoy family time at a beach, they need to use their Capital One card daily. They know about Capital One because of this ad.

Honda Accord

This ad you see above presents a great example of how ads are formatted. There are 6 Format Elements that will be bolded throughout this blog in order for us to learn what each element in an ad design is. The formats are Headline, Visual, Subhead, Body Copy, Slogan/Tagline, Logo, and Contact Information.

When I look at this ad, I see the Visual element first. What catches my attention is the picture of the Honda Accord Vehicle facing me as if it's looking directly at me and wanting to be bought. This is due to the size of the picture and the open space it covers located below the typed out descriptions. The direction of the attention starts with the Visual of the car and then moves into the Headline just above it. This helps the reader realize there is more text to this ad, hopefully providing enough information to convince the buyer to want it.

In case you are wondering as you are looking at this ad, the Headline for this ad is "The 34 mpg hwy Accord". The reason this part is the headline is because of how the faded gray goes to white and is typed in bigger lettering than the other typed portions of this ad.

The Subhead is "The 35-year overnight sensation" which is located at the top of the ad. You can recognize the Subhead by how it appears above the Headline and the Body Copy, which in this case it is in the Body Copy. The text is in boldface type format but is a smaller size than the Headline. The type of Headline used is called a provocative headline, meaning it provokes the potential customer's curiosity. It causes the reader to think what the story behind it means, which eventually leads the potential buyer to reading the Body Copy.

The Body Copy is the story created for the ad. It briefly describes this products credibility, desire, and the steps how they got where they are today. It also tells how Honda Accord became "The One" which is the Slogan/Tagline for this product. With this Body Copy they applied the narrative copy method, meaning telling the story of the Honda Accord and how it came to be.

The Slogan/Tagline as mentioned previously is "The One." The Body already introduces it as "The One", and the Slogan/Tagline keeps it as such.

The Logo provided for the ad is the "H" Honda logo. The Contact Information is located in small print at the bottom of the page.

Prius Ad

When I look at this ad I see an ad that is inviting the feeling of fun, like the highlights of your summertime moments fun. The boom factor to me is the use of the color scheme. The use of the color of the cars gives it a boom factor as well as the main usage of the type of Prius. The brief words that are used in describing those types of Prius like the word one, snug, big, and/or plug. I found with this ad that the idea like any other ad idea is to capture that potential audience and have them read each image and see how they relate to each word that is use to describe each Prius and there unique abilities they can provide.

Creative Brief

Project: PriusDate: 02-07-2014

Situation Summary: (Why is this project needed? What will it solve?)

This ad will show that there is more than just one specific Prius, that there is a Prius for any situation. There is the original "One Prius" from the beginning, but now there is a Prius that can fit in snug places. If you are one who needs more room to put your surfboards in there's a big Prius, and of course there is a plug in Prius, a Prius design to save up from using so much gas and that you can charge just plugging in.

Supporting Statement: (What is the benefit of this product over others?)

The Prius has so much to choose from. They have any type of car for any specific situation that you may be in or would need. This ad provides that feeling of there is so much to choose from just as long as it works for you and what you need it for.

Target Audience: (Who is this project aimed at?)

This ad is targeted towards more of the fuel efficient people. It is targeted to people who want more miles on less gas and most importantly for those who want to be environmental friendly. I would thing the age range will be 25 – 50 year old's.

Tone Statement: (What will be the presence of the ad?)

This ad should show a neat and clean look to all its images. The ad should use bright friendly colors that will make you feel warm inside. A clean look is, key to this ad because Prius is design to help clean the environment. As well as the use of simple image in order to make it easy for potential customers to understand the multiple abilities a Prius can provide them.

Call To Action: (What is the target audience to do?)

The ad should help convince people to feel they need to be a part of the Prius family. You can visit their website at

Edible Egg Ad JPEG

Look at this Ad. When you look at this ad, do you think of the types of discussions that might have gone on during the making of this ad? Have you ever thought of the thought process that was involved in creating in such a creative ad? With this assignment and this ad we are to figure out what might have been the advertising teams plan for this product. I personally think whoever the team was that was involved in this ad were creative and knew exactly who they were marketing towards.

Situation Analysis –

The situation for this advertisement is that they are trying to market the want for eggs. By focusing on the vitamin D one can receive from these egg products, it helps those who want to eat healthier want to buy this product. It seems to me that this advertisement wants those people who are healthy eaters and who want to take care of their bodies by eating these eggs. The focus is to address this product to those who like natural foods or who are all about adding protein and vitamin D in their diet. Of course they want this product because it is the "Incredible Edible Egg". I think the long term focus for this ad is they want people to buy this product in order to receive the right nutrients in their breakfast. With that in mind they want people to use their edible, extra vitamin D eggs.

Advertising Objective –

With this advertising objective I'm sure the team was involved in asking questions on how to increase interest. The objective is not only to increase interest of the consumers, but also increase interest with grocery stores and farmers who would like to jump on board and join the beach party of selling eggs. In this advertising objective I can see that the primary demand is to deliver the message affectively creating the idea of "You need this" or "There are no other eggs that can provide you this much vitamin D like these Incredible Edible Eggs."

As for grocery stores, just look at this picture. It takes place in the summer time where everyone wants to be healthy and wants to look good on the beach, just like the egg with the cool sunglasses. What better way to look good and feel good than to consume these healthy eggs. Grocery stores know that with this ad they are marketing for summer time and know to sell this product during that time period. Farmer's, as well, may look at this ad and think that the ad is capturing those potential consumers that want delicious eggs to make them feel good, just like after spending a nice day at the beach and getting that perfect "vitamin D tan".

Advertising (Creative) Strategy –

My favorite part of this is thinking about the creativity that was used in this ad. I can somewhat visualize the conversation that was made during this event. As you will read, the following is an imagined conversation I thought of between creative person A and creative person B. I'm sure more creative people were involved though in coming up with these creative ideas.

The first things I imagine that they were thinking of were in the lines focus on something fun and creative. Person A starts out saying, "Since the eggs that we are selling is focused on vitamin D, what else gives vitamin D? The sun!" Person B replies back, "Great idea! And with that we should make the sun like a sunny side up egg." Person A replies back, "That's brilliant, like using the orange yoke of the egg as the sun." Person B continues with another thought, "Because the sun gives people Vitamin D, we should have an egg getting exposed to that Vitamin D from the sun like it is tanning on the beach." Person A adds their input, "Or we can have him with a reflector, reflecting the sun to show that he is getting his extra vitamin D intake." Person B responds, "We need to make the egg look cool. Let's put some sport looking sun glasses on him!" Then they both agree that this is going to be a great creative ad.

When looking at this ad I thought it was creative how the cloud in the background and the fish in the water have an egg shape to them. Another thing they did was use bright colors that made the picture feel like you're on a hot, sunny beach. The only part that bothers me about this ad, and maybe it's just the signature for "Incredible Edible Egg", is the random egg on the top right corner reading "incredible!" I was a little thrown off by the randomness of it. However, because I like creative work, I think they did a great job overall. It captured my creativity interest and most importantly my interest in wanting to eat some eggs for breakfast.



Go ahead, take the survey. Just one click and I promise you it will be worth your time. Post your answers if you would like. Attached is my survey I created as if I worked for DC Entertainment, which I personally think would be a fun place to work. As for creating surveys I know that I have much room to grow, that is if I were to be part of an advertising group.

We were assigned to come up with a questionnaire of about 10 questions. If you are looking at the survey now you will realize there are 14 questions.  With these questions I was hoping to understand how people make their brand decisions on the category of "Story Telling." My results have clarified that my survey is more targeted towards males. Most of those who took the survey were males and knew most of the answers to the questions. The small group that was tested were females and only one had a clear understanding of this brand, all thanks to her brothers. All those who surveyed were picked at random.

There are many things I have learned from this survey, one is to have this survey more focused on the "demographics", meaning to focus on the men in there late teens, early 20's. In this case of my survey it was mostly males ages 20 to 25. I have also learned from the number and responses I received from the survey, that DC needs to figure out how to target the females as well. I tried to direct my survey more towards story telling as the specific category so I could try to capture the interest of potential fans as well as try to reach out to the female demographics. With this topic, it was a little harder though because mostly the male demographics like comics.

To be honest I may have misunderstood the other main focus of this survey and that was finding out how people select the brand they are going to buy. For this case the brand is DC, but I'm guessing my questions were too broad. For the most part people do want to be entertained. With the answers I receive, people do want stories to take them away to a new world and to help them take a break from their busy lives. People also want stories of characters that they can relate to. Something I know DC Entertainment can continue to and have been accomplishing. The have been accomplishing it with their way of story telling in their films, television shows, and books.

Below are the percentage of certain answers that were in this survey:

1.) Which would you prefer?
Reading – 5 = 50%
Watching -4 = 40%
Playing -1 = 10%

My findings: For the group that I surveyed I learned that most people like to read. A close second was for watching. There was just that 1 person who prefer playing video games. Interesting enough, for question six 30% of them answered that they would like their story told to them interactively.

2.) Have you read or seen DC Entertainment?
Y-8 = 80%
N-2 = 20%

My findings: The 20% was the female survey takers. One of the girls out of the 3 has brothers and has seen the Batman movies, which have been pretty big in the past few years. I have learned from this question to be more specific next time in my surveys. I have also learned that maybe some females don't realize which movies or books are made by DC.

3.) Understand difference between Marvel and DC?
Y-7 = 70%
N-3 = 30%

My findings: The "no" included the people who could only name 2 superhero's for their answer to this question. I could see a pattern with all the males who knew both sides of the different comic brands. Two of the females could only name the well known heroes, like Superman and Batman. One of the females did not know anything about DC, but she knew about the importance of story telling.

6.) How do you like your stories told?
Visually- 1 = 10%
Descriptive-2 = 20%
Performed-4 = 40%
Interactive-3 = 30%

My findings: It seems like I would need more people to take this survey to show the real preferences. For the most part it is pretty close. 4 people would like to see the stories performed (like in film or t.v.), 3 people preferred interactive (like video games), 2 people would enjoy a good read for their story intake, and surprisingly one person likes their stories told visually. This one person out of 10 was surprising because DC is mostly comics which are mostly visual.

10.) What ways do you like to read?
Material-9 = 90%
Both-1 = 10%

My findings: I have learned for the most part that no one likes to read digitally. Only 1 person out of 10 enjoyed doing both, but no one choose that they specifically like reading a digital format of story telling over the actual hard copy.

11.) What would you prefer more?
Short Stories- 3 = 30%
Longer Stories-7 = 70%

My findings: I came to see that longer stories ruled over the short story telling according to this survey group. If I surveyed more people it might be more valid. The reason I asked this question is because DC does comic books, which are like a short t.v. show or a form of short stories. With this survey it looks like people like more in depth entertainment.

Now please have fun, enjoy taking the survey, and share your answers.


This ad shows that it has positively originated motives. Positively motive means that it is promising to reward customers. In this ad it is promising customers, "100 MPGe plug-in hybrid for you…" and enhances the promise with a feeling of reward when they say "Woo-hoo". With hybrid vehicles becoming more and more of a demand, this ad presents a feeling that you will be socially approved as well as be rewarded in knowing that your car will travel more with less gas all thanks to the ability to travel on both gas and electricity.

With the amount of Miles per Gallon (MPG) this  hybrid car can get, it really energizes (no pun intended) the feeling of "you can save more money on less gas." In having this new vehicle it will be rewarding for many and as the ad invites, to give you a "Woo-hoo" feeling.

A twist on how this ad can be a negatively originated motive is by delivering a message that will affect human behavior. It can affect the behavior by causing potential consumers to want something cleaner and more mileage per gallon (MPG).

For example, the negative message that will capture a desire to learn more and want something cleaner and efficient, the ad would start by showing an old ford vehicle parked next to a dying tree and the exhaust pipe blowing thick gas. Standing next to the vehicle would be someone holding a handkerchief of cash with his pockets pulled out. He would be coughing in the money due to the pollution in the air and the amount he has been spending on gas.

For the wording of the text at the top, there would be a list of different years of old Ford vehicles and their MPG. Then instead of a "Woo-hoo" afterward, it would be replaced with an "Oh-no!" At the bottom of the ad it would read, "Its time to change to a C-Max Hybrid."


Here's an ad that shows many targeted marketing segments. These segments are known as behavioristic, demographics, psychographic, and geographic.

Behavioristic segmentation refers to the user status, usage rate, purchase occasion, and/or benefits sought.  For example, in this ad it appeals to the busy, on the go, city type life. People who would need this type of product would need to get something on the go, quick and fast.

Demographic segmentation is the way groups are define by their characteristics like their sex, age, ethnicity, education, and/or occupation. This ad shows that it is reaching out to the demographic variables by focusing on someone who probably works  an 8 to 5 white collar job and who may have an MBA or at least a bachelors degree in business. I assume this is because it seems like a lot of busy city workers always need their cup of Jo to help them to keep going, which leads to my next segmentation.

Psychographic segmentation defines consumers based on psychological variables like values, attitudes, personality, and lifestyle. This ad for this product presents just that, the value of time and the availability to find the nearest coffee shop. The lifestyle seems to be the city life, the on the go lifestyle as mentioned above. The value that can be seen in this ad is the value of having something new to be updated on, like the technology of this new iPhone, which promises to provide an easier way to find things by just talking to it. You can now say your destination into the phone instead of typing and scrolling around on the screen while accidentally walking in the middle of the street during rush hour.  (Which funny enough, being off subject, it does look like this person is going to be walking in the middle of the street. It kind of looks like the person is walking the wrong way in the pedestrian cross walk.)

The last segmentation is the geographic, meaning location. There are needs and wants as well as purchasing habits that could only be found in a certain type of location. For example, because this ad shows the "City Life" either in L.A., New York, or any type of metropolis area, you are going to need something to help you find your way. Especially if you are on the go and need to grab something really quick and as close as possible. Thanks to the iPhone 4 that convenience is made possible to find those close locations.

Jerry Bruckheimer

You may see a picture of some dude holding a camera, but this guy, if you may not know, is Jerry Bruckheimer. Of course lately he has been getting some bad reputation due to his latest flop blockbuster potential "The Lone Ranger", but he is still an amazing and well known producer who has been involved in many blockbuster films and has worked with many great directors. The reason why I am using this image for this assignment is because when I was reading an entertainment magazine, it mentioned that he started out producing for commercials.  Many of the television commercials were award winning and one of them was for Pepsi.

This is something that I would like to be involved in or work my way up to. My goal is to go from producing commercials to producing the next television show or film. Maybe I will even produce a music video or two. For this assignment I chose the Advertising Production side of things and specifically the television commercial producer.

In order to be involved in this field, the educational background that is needed is either a Master Degree or a Bachelor's Degree in Communication, Advertising and/or Marketing. Many of the qualifications for this position is that you will need at least 2 to 5 years experience in this field. So pretty much you need to work your way up or build a portfolio either from interning or school programs that your University may offer.

Excellent writing skills is one of the important skills to have in this position, as well as management skills in order to guide a t.v. production in the right direction of the vision for the ad. A producer needs to have the skill to pitch an idea as well, just like an Account Executive. They also need to have an idea of how to stay on schedule and on a budget.

For the "Large Markets" you work with the Ad Agencies, dealing with big budgets and a larger crew. In a "Small Market", you are involved in your own planning, writing, shooting, and sometimes editing.

The one thing I've learn about this position is you need to have an impressive portfolio and that portfolio starts now or during your college school experience as your are developing new skills and talents.

Recruitment Ad Example

Extra Info from the website Educational Portal


I choose this add due to its promotion of puffery. When I see this ad I think of puffery. Puffery to me is like someone who is puffed up or someone who shows pride through their attitude. They end up showing themselves as "I'm number one!" or "I'm the boss, no one mess with me". In a way when one is puffed up,  it is only for the reason to look good, just like this ad. This ad is saying that if you use  this language learning program, known as Rosetta Stone, not only will it provide that "Tokyo job", but it will also help you have the "confidence" to get that corner office. I'm guessing that corner office is a must have office in the business world.

When looking at this ad it is saying that this program is the only language teaching program that will help you be successful in the business world and in life. I believe that this is deceptive because there are other ways and programs out  there that have the ability to teach someone any type of language that they desire. Not only that, but learning a second language in anything with or without this product will always look good on your resume, especially if you are wanting to work in another country that you are not from. It is also deceptive in the way that it makes it look easy for anyone to learn a new language. Learning a different language is not always the easiest thing to do.


This Ad covers many of the seven functions and effects of advertising.  The 7 Functions are:

1 – To identify products and differentiate them from others.

2 – To communicate information about the product, its features, and its place of sale.

3 – To induce consumers to try new products and to suggest reuse.

4 – To stimulate the distribution of a product.

5 – To increase product use.

6 – To build value, brand preference, and loyalty.

7 – To lower the overall cost of sales.

This ad applies some of these principals. First to start out with, the ad is very created on how Heinz use of making their classic Ketchup bottle into slices of tomatoes. With these slices of tomatoes you know that this product uses real tomatoes for their ketchup and fresh ones at that. Heinz already knows how to differentiate their product by their signature bottles they have. This helps with identifying the product and differentiate it from other products, which is one of the seven principles.

With their tag line "No one grows Ketchup like Heinz" shows that their Ketchup is the one to try instead of any other ketchup's out there. With this Ad it will help keep anyone to be loyal to their product because you know their ketchup has its taste that could only be used with the dipping of fries and pouring on hamburgers. This covers another principle which is the invitation of consumers to try either their new product and suggesting to reuse this product.

You know this product is promising that it not only has its signature bottle shape but also its signature taste that can only be developed by Heinz. Another thing about this Ad is the lighting of the ketchup bottle (sliced tomatoes). The way this ad is lit up helps put this product in focus like a spot light on it, giving you that stage like introduction of an amazing product. With this creativity it covers another principle found, the principle in building value, brand preference, and most importantly building loyalty with the customer to use this product.